Deb Collins - Collaborator, Wicked Elephants Co-operative

About DEB

Deb Collins is a Wicked Elephant. One of a group of modern elders, in a contemporary co-op, inspired to serve both people and planet Earth. WE bring people together in novel and collaborative ways to face into the complex and wicked challenges we’re increasingly facing. WE love working with real people struggling with real issues to produce real change.

Debs own leadership journey began at 16 as school swim captain of a women's team; with only the black line for direction! It wasn't until she co-founded Australia’s first women’s adventure travel company Wildwise in 1989 that she began the study of Leadership with Woodswomen in the USA. From this point on she began to understand, practice and teach more people centric approaches to leadership. What followed was years of working in leadership, team building in organisations, the study and practice of Integral Theory, Systems Thinking, Buddhist Dharma, and two Masters degrees in Social Ecology (UWS) and Science Communication (ANU).

Today, it's a delight to work in The Wicked Elephants Co-operative and share leadership and responsibility with others who hold a passionate Earth-centric view. WE seek out for Purpose businesses, people who are stretching the collaborative edge, working for eco-social change, regenerative futures - and those who want support and enhanced skills to do so.

LinkedIn / Wicked Elephant Website